2024-25 Board of Directors
President - Shelly Tamm
VIce President - Kate Kim
Secretary - Renee Moss
Treasurer - Wendy Sturino-Tearney
Boys Youth Director - Bryan Sieradzki
Boys Coaching Director - Dave Hoffman
Girls Youth Director - Dionna Krall
Girls Coaching Director - Carleen Saeger
Board of Directors Membership
The board meets on the second Monday of the month at 6 p.m. Meetings are held at Waukesha State Bank -Mukwonago. If you would like to attend a meeting, please reach out to a board member and you can be added to the meeting agenda.
Board membership fulfills all of your volunteer points - counting toward the annual $400 volunteer fee. All positions are a two-year term, with the exception of president where you serve a third year in a support role.
Elections are held in July and can include people with all levels of experience, from both the girls and boys programs, and with players at any youth level. Contact a board member if you have any questions.