Sponsorship is a partnership between the Mukwonago Lacrosse Club and you or your business. Whether you are looking for advertising to build your brand or you would like to support the club, we have several opportunities. We are looking for sponsors for the Mukwonago Lacrosse Club as well as for our spring Trivia Night Fundraiser.
50% of any sponsorship you bring in goes toward your registration fees - up to, but not exceeding the amount of your fees.
$5000 - Platinum MLC Sponsor
Exclusive Platinum sponsorship available to 1 business. Quarterly emails to lacrosse club families promoting your business. Name/logo on all Mukwonago Lacrosse Club items (website and link to your site, team rosters, directory and social media). Company/personal name at Platinum level on banner to be displayed at all girls and boys high school events, verbal recognition at all games. Recognition throughout evening at Trivia Night Fundraiser.
Please send all sponsorship inquiries to president@mukwonagolacrosse.com.